Open Research and ideas
Contributions are always welcome. Fell free to contact me or any other contributor and ask for a read & edit link. Source files, codes, experiments and everything we used in each project is usually open.
Working papers
- The Neighborhood Guided Evolution Strategies
- In this draft we keep describing and improving the description of our previous published ES for combinatorial opt. problems.
- When AI and decentralized systems effectively meets smart cities and grids
- We try to point out the lack of connection between the state-of-the-art paper on both “smart” topics, cities and the energy grid. We try to discuss possibilities for promoting territorial development. In particular, we consider how renewable energy resources could be integrated with mini/microgrids, which will be hearth of the future cities.
- Emerging transportation systems and open optimization problems inside the scope of smart cities
- Researchers and the industry have been realizing the paramount importance of discussing the future of cities under development. Novel transportation systems are being designed in order to meet sustainability and efficiency criteria. Furthermore, citizens and users are becoming aware about the power and possibilities of the current generation of devices. The hidden mask behind the intelligence of these equipment, also known as Smart Sensors, are the core of the future Smart Cities. In this sense, this current paper present and discuss state-of-the-art transportation technologies and systems. In particular, we detect and comment about novel combinatorial optimization problems that might be useful and important for an efficient evolution of the cities. By considering different perspectives, multi-criteria decision making is suggested in order to balance citizens and industry wishes.
- Envisioned Significant Quantum Communication with Entangled Photons
- A discussion and vision about how a quantum communication protocol could be done, considering the possibility of breaking Bell’s inequalities and use state-of-the-art computational intelligence tools.
- An insight about artificial intelligence tools for balancing security and privacy concerns in smart cities
- A recent aware regarding surveillance is happening in all big cities. In this sense, we would to point out and discuss who AI is connected to it and what are the current possibilities. Furthermore, highlighting a trade-off between privacy/life quality and efficiency of these systems.
- A robust kalman filter based control for low-cost UAVs
- A simple filter and strategy for controlling the stability of a small UAV.
New horizons for EEG based biometric systems with forecasting models
- This draft and study will extend our previous discussion regarding the possibility of identifying individuals regarding their brain signals. We will use state-of-the art deep learning models with GPU capabilities, embedded inside a metaheuristic based learning strategy.
- Providing food eating opportunities with a multi-criteria view about diets
- Why choose an expensive diet while you can pick a special one from a set of non-dominated solutions?
- A review and possibilities for Multi-Objective Dominance Based Local Search Metaheuristics
- Trajectory search algorithms are becoming a hot topic for multi-objective optimization.
- An insight about the use of non-dominated solutions for time series learning and forecasting
- A single forecasting model can predict values in the way it was learned to do. However, why do not consider a non-dominated set of models?
- A simple local search algorithm for a complex huge-scale warhouse picking problem
- Explanation and description of a real optimization code we developed for a huge logistic enterprise.
- Multi-objective design of communities and urban areas
- This research line started with the idea of allocating renewable energy resources inside a specific area (rural, urban or a private community), respecting citizens/users/owners wishes and operational requirements. Further discussions made us extend it for a MO allocation of resources and novel metrics for performing land allocation and its efficient use.
Highlighted repositories (data and code)
- Check OptFrame, it contains most part of my research codes as some of its Examples.
- Hybrid Forecasting Model - HFM
- Check it inside the OptFrame, as one of its Examples.
- The neighborhood guided evolution strategies
- Check it inside the OptFrame, as one of its implemented and reproducible metaheuristic.
- Hybrid Forecasting Model - HFM
- Operations research techniques for optimization direct marketing campaigns
- Code repository: https://vncoelho@bitbucket.org/vncoelho/modm.git
- Power dispataching in mini/microgrid using electric vehicles
- SPOOLS code repository: https://vncoelho@bitbucket.org/vncoelho/cplexmatheuristic.git
- MILP model: https://vncoelho@bitbucket.org/vncoelho/milp_energystorageplaning.git
- EEG time series learning and classification - The development of a new Biometric system and brain signals recognition
- Code repository is currently the same of the HFM, it available as an example inside the forecasting framework.
- Combinatorial optimization problems resolution and techniques for tackling them
- Most part of the codes are available inside the OptFrame.
“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”, Isaac Newton
“We are also the giants. We are living a continuous endless timeline of happiness and learning :)”
“Estamos todos unidos energeticamente. Dissemine amor e paz!”